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How to Take Better Notes.

Posted by Anh 3 Hô On - - 0 comments

Whether you want to succeed in school or you want to be on top of your professional career, effective note-taking is a valuable
skill for retaining, remembering, reciting and recalling information.

Without good notes you might sit through an entire semester of classes and not have anything to prepare you for the final. Or your employer might fly you to a week-long conference, only to have you come back with a blank stare. Taking notes is only half the battle, though. If you follow these simple steps and tips you will not only learn how to take notes, you’ll learn how to take notes that will help you apply knowledge and retain material.
1. Organize yourself prior to your note-taking engagement. Whether you are attending class or attending a seminar or conference, make sure to bring everything that you will need to be a good listener and an efficient note-taker. Don’t forget ample paper, writing utensils and, if necessary, eyeglasses and/or hearing aids. Always have a backup pen or pencil, preferably two or three.

Organize yourself prior to your note-taking engagement.
2. . Position yourself in an area of the room where you can effectively see and hear the speaker. Have trouble seeing the blackboard? Arrive early to make sure you get a front row seat.
Position yourself in an area of the room where you can effectively see and hear the speaker.
3. Think about what you want to retain. Why are you taking the class? Why are you attending the seminar? Why did your employer send you to the conference? While it may be your first instinct to try and write down what you hear or see verbatim, you have to remember that you are taking notes, not writing a novela
Think about what you want to retain.

4. Focus on recording information that is new to you. As tempting as it might be, taking notes about stuff you already know doesn’t end up helping much in the end.

5. Create a system of note-taking that allows you to write quickly and get down basic concepts, but which will also allow you to quickly find information in your notes later. Consider using an outline format, for example, or clearly separating your notes into different sections (or columns if you are using a steno pad or a computer). Consider learning or creating your own shorthand to help take notes a little faster.

6. Compose your notes in a concise and legible fashion. If you can’t read your notes you may be writing too much. Consider writing less or using a computer.
Compose your notes in a concise and legible fashion.
7. Use short and meaningful phrases, and abbreviate when necessary. Don’t use abbreviations that you won’t recognize later. 

8. Highlight key words and phrases. Make the important things stand out. If the speaker emphasizes a certain concept, make sure to do the same in your notes. 
Highlight key words and phrases.
9. Utilize meaningful symbols. Symbols like arrows, dots, boxes, diagrams, charts, and other visual notes are often great ways to associate and remember key concepts.
Utilize meaningful symbols.
10. Write your notes for the future. When you are in the situation, recognize that you will have to return to the notes later and understand your notes. If you have time, review your notes as the speaker communicates familiar material. Otherwise, go back and review them immediately after the lecture, when the topics are fresh in your mind.

11. Share your notes with others. Trade and exchange notes to increase your materials and to enhance your learning. If you plan on sharing your notes with others it will often motivate you to take copious notes that are legible and understandable.

12. If you are reading a book for an English literature class, make sure you have a pack of Post-It notes at hand, since you may not be allowed to write in the actual book. When making these notes, make sure that you say on each Post-it how the audience feels when the author uses a certain type of language. The author always uses imagery, especially in Shakespeare's plays. Take note and include a personnel response.
If you are reading a book for an English literature class, make sure you have a pack of Post-It notes at hand, since you may not be allowed to write in the actual book.
If your school allows it, you can use different brightly-colored highlighters. That way, when you see the colors, you will want to take a look at it. 

Source: Wiki How

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